Monday, January 18, 2010

Getting Comfortable in Aruba

We've gotten real comfortable with this country, the people, the rythym, the ocean, the sun, the waves, the wind. Even though it's only been a week, we've come to really enjoy this place. My wife, Nat, really loves the beach and all that comes with it...Nat is not the greatest of swimmers but has really come to enjoy snorkeling and we plan our days around my kiting and which beach will have the best snorkeling conditions. We took a trip out to Boca Grande on the other side of the island to do some onshore kiting in big waves. We went with Dylan and Joey from Holland, of course Davven was pals with them istantly. Boca Grande was crazy big waves and perfectly steady onshore wind which was so different than I'm used too. I actually started forgetting about my kite and concentrating on my riding. Which was hard in the chop and mackin waves. But so much fun...Honestly the best session of the trip so far.
After Boca yesterday we had a very chill and mellow day at the beach in the morning, just relaxing and snorkelling at iguana beach, which is a tiny hidden gem that is tiny but probably the best snorkelling on the island so far. After the beach we had lunch back at the condo and Nat and the boy took a long nap while I cleaned up and fixed up all my gear from the beating I took at Boca...switched pads and boots fins and all that. Tommorow should be a great kite day gonna go early after Nat takes a run and kite till lunch...
I'll check back in a few days

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