Monday, February 1, 2010

Aruba the final week

So this is our final week here in Aruba. I wouldn't say that it's gone by super fast, we've certainly done alot. Lots and lots of time at the beach, snorkeling and kiting and recently helping Davven learn and excel at boogie boarding. I personally had a secondary motive for coming here and that was of course to kiteboard my a$$ off, which I have. But as a husband and father my priorities are to my family first, but the unexpected joy that I got for 2 days in a row from standing in the ocean for up to 3 hours pushing my son into wave after wave and watching him laugh and smile as he rode the waves to the beach. And then watching his confidence rise, as he started to learn how to get back out throught the breakers by himself and return to the line-up and do it all again, was something that I hope i will never forget. Now those of you that know me well know that I love being a Dad and love being a husband to Nat, but I never thought in a million years that I would give up the 3 best wind days of the trip and not go kiteboarding cause the waves were good and Davven wanted to go boogieboarding, but thats what happened and I couldn't be happier, cause honestly they we're the best three days of the trip.

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