Monday, January 11, 2010

Aruba Trip Enjoying the Stay

Well after the 2 days of travelling we've made it to this Happy Island....The rental car is small but after getting all our gear to the condo the size is moot. Davven calls it a mini ca, well cause it's mini, it's smaller than a mini yet still has 4 doors which is crazy. Anywho the isalnd is of course beautiful. And things move in a predictable island speed which is very slow but its a happy and friendly slow, people chat with you which makes things take time as opposed to just incopetant slow like in North America. We decided to celebrate our arrival last night after a quick dip in th ocean to cool and clean off, by going out to dinner something we won't do to often cause we're here for a month and that would be finacial Especially after the amazing brazilian steak house we went to...which was definately amazing and worth every penny we spent but i'm not sure I could justify the 172$USD bill we got at the end of the night...HOLY SHIT was what I wanted to say, but I smiled and handed over the visa
We woke up to the sound of roosters, Nat went for a run(so many people run here so Nat is happy as f*&k), I got all my gear together and setup for tommorow then we went to Arashi Beach...which was spectacular crystal clear water, fish everywhere and coral, pelicans, sun and white sandy goodness. Davven freaked out a bit when we took him in the water but after mommy talked to him on the beach for a bit and calmed him down. He decided to try again with not much more succcess and freaked out again. But then out of no where a nice man came over towards us and dropped a piece of bread in the water in front of us and the fish swarmed around him life bees on honey, and Davven pretty much was gold from that point on in fact we couldn't get him out of the water after that. It's been great we're loving Aruba and enjoying the slow pace, we did some groceries and we're off to cook dinner we'll check back in soon.

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