Monday, January 18, 2010

Getting Comfortable in Aruba

We've gotten real comfortable with this country, the people, the rythym, the ocean, the sun, the waves, the wind. Even though it's only been a week, we've come to really enjoy this place. My wife, Nat, really loves the beach and all that comes with it...Nat is not the greatest of swimmers but has really come to enjoy snorkeling and we plan our days around my kiting and which beach will have the best snorkeling conditions. We took a trip out to Boca Grande on the other side of the island to do some onshore kiting in big waves. We went with Dylan and Joey from Holland, of course Davven was pals with them istantly. Boca Grande was crazy big waves and perfectly steady onshore wind which was so different than I'm used too. I actually started forgetting about my kite and concentrating on my riding. Which was hard in the chop and mackin waves. But so much fun...Honestly the best session of the trip so far.
After Boca yesterday we had a very chill and mellow day at the beach in the morning, just relaxing and snorkelling at iguana beach, which is a tiny hidden gem that is tiny but probably the best snorkelling on the island so far. After the beach we had lunch back at the condo and Nat and the boy took a long nap while I cleaned up and fixed up all my gear from the beating I took at Boca...switched pads and boots fins and all that. Tommorow should be a great kite day gonna go early after Nat takes a run and kite till lunch...
I'll check back in a few days

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Aruba Trip Sun and Surf

Well... after spending 2 entire days at the beach and soaking up the sun, the little one was a bit cranky yesterfay so we decided to take it eay in the afternoon and just chill at the condo and watch movies and play indoors. I think we all needed to recoup after the sun shock our skin has recieved. Even after applying 30spf we all have a bit of sunburn here and there. Davven seemed to bounce back this morning cause he's bright eyed and bushytailed and ready to go...Looks like another day exploring the beaches of the area and I'm gonna kite a bit more than I did the other day. The first day of kiting was amazing and kiting in offshore conditions is something I'm not used to but definitly a great experience and great for photo ops.The local kiters are great, most of them are from Holland or the UK and are alot of fun. And of course agreed to watch out for me in the unfamiliar offshore conditions....
Day 3 and 4 we're smooth as butter did some exploring on the otherside of the island where it is very hot and very very dry, and I understand now why they say it only rains 8mm on average per year. Cause I'm sure that the east side of the island get little to nothing. Kiting is going really well, I guess since I can kite almost everyday I'm getting a consistant flow and it's becoming interesting. I'm relaxed more when I'm kiting which equals progression...Nat should be coming out next session to get some video and take some shots. This island is awesome so many nice people and in venturing over to the other side of the island we got to see the heart of the people that live here all year round, the colorful houses and wild goats and chickens. To kids walking home from school, it's so much better when you can see the true nature of a place and not just the tourist crap. Although the tourist crap is pretty cool here also

Monday, January 11, 2010

Aruba Trip Enjoying the Stay

Well after the 2 days of travelling we've made it to this Happy Island....The rental car is small but after getting all our gear to the condo the size is moot. Davven calls it a mini ca, well cause it's mini, it's smaller than a mini yet still has 4 doors which is crazy. Anywho the isalnd is of course beautiful. And things move in a predictable island speed which is very slow but its a happy and friendly slow, people chat with you which makes things take time as opposed to just incopetant slow like in North America. We decided to celebrate our arrival last night after a quick dip in th ocean to cool and clean off, by going out to dinner something we won't do to often cause we're here for a month and that would be finacial Especially after the amazing brazilian steak house we went to...which was definately amazing and worth every penny we spent but i'm not sure I could justify the 172$USD bill we got at the end of the night...HOLY SHIT was what I wanted to say, but I smiled and handed over the visa
We woke up to the sound of roosters, Nat went for a run(so many people run here so Nat is happy as f*&k), I got all my gear together and setup for tommorow then we went to Arashi Beach...which was spectacular crystal clear water, fish everywhere and coral, pelicans, sun and white sandy goodness. Davven freaked out a bit when we took him in the water but after mommy talked to him on the beach for a bit and calmed him down. He decided to try again with not much more succcess and freaked out again. But then out of no where a nice man came over towards us and dropped a piece of bread in the water in front of us and the fish swarmed around him life bees on honey, and Davven pretty much was gold from that point on in fact we couldn't get him out of the water after that. It's been great we're loving Aruba and enjoying the slow pace, we did some groceries and we're off to cook dinner we'll check back in soon.

Friday, January 8, 2010

ARUBA Trip Stage 1

So the house sitter is at the house the car is packed. Boarding passes are printed and we're checked in. So next is a small trip to burlington tommorow to jump on the plane for Detroit then on to Atlanta, for an overnight stay with a friend. We've cut down our 6 really big bags down to 4 bags. And Nat got some great sun dresses from a friend at work, so she had to remove some other stuff lol....The camera is charging and I'm getting ready to start shooting so things will get a bit more interesting tommorow...Alright we're off to bed...Gotta get up @5:30am...
Night ya'll

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Blog has Changed

Hey Everyone,
So my(Darren) blog has changed. My title at imagine has been revised for 2010 I'll have alot more responsibilities, and a few changes for 2010. I'll still be instructing here and there and will of course keep you upto date on whats happening there but I've decide to have this blog be more of a whats happening with me and the family. My thoughts, a few pics here and there maybe a video or two you know typical stuff...I'm actually procrastinating right now I should be packing for our trip, but as Nat says I'm addicted to my computer....
Anywho that's whats up...