Monday, August 30, 2010


oh Blog...I havent updated you in a while...sorry bout that...but it's been a busy summer...Lots of swimming and surfing and SUPing and wakeskating and wakeboarding...lots of spending time together as a family...the D-N-D family has been active this summer. Davven has learned to swim, and got up on his own SUP, learned to surf with me behind the jetski, gone for bike rides with Mommy, long runs in the jogger with Mommy also, fishing and all sorts of adventures...Nat has been tending to her beautiful garden and made sure things around the house are always in tiptop shape while, I have been tending to MY surf shop... we've all been gone on our own seperate adventure also...Davven spent a few days with Gramma and Grampi getting spoiled...Nat drove to Nova Scotia with Carrie-Ann for some girl time(sans boys), and I was kiteboarding in Hood River, Oregon for a week.
The main reason my blog came to mind today was a very personal one that every parent goes through. The first day of school...It was Davven's first day of school today and although we we're very proud to see him off and a bit understandably's something that other parents were saying that kinda got me a bit.....ummm...FUCKING AGGRIVATED...We've all seen the Bureau en Gros commercials " the most wonderful time of the year", we've all heard the jokes around the water cooler about how people can't wait till school starts again so that things go back to normal, or how one parent said "so i can get back to work for some rest" ??#@!?...I'm personally tired of that bullshit, and of course someone will inevitably think that because my kid in going to kindergarden it's not the same thing, but I heard parents dropping thier kids off for the first day of school at kindergarden saying the same lines..." I love you little bobby....finally peace and quiet"...
Peace and Quiet....People seem not to be able to wait to have kids, then to turn around and not wait to get rid of them and pawn them off on someone else... I heard one parent say, "she's the schools problem now" then laugh and bolt for her car...We went camping this past weekend before school started, giving Davven a chance to have a great adventure before school started and watch as parent after parent sat around under a tree and watched thier kids play in the sand. The majority of parents at the beach watched, there were a few that got in there and got dirty and had fun but lots they went there to distract thier kids so they wouldnt bother them...I guess I'm less aggrivated, I'm more dissappointed that thats acceptable in our society...yes that commercial is funny, but its become normal to think like that...Most of us choose to be parents, so BE parents, am I saying I'm a perfect Parent..hell no...sometimes I just wanna go for a kite or surf and not play dinosaurs or look at the squished bug on the front of our car...But I like the fact that my answer is usually yes, or at least give me a sec and I check out whet he wants to show me a minute later and watch as the Raptor eats Woody from Toy Story.

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