Monday, March 15, 2010

Rant Time

So my son Davven is turning 5 this April. And because of this he's heading off to school in September. This is something that I am not, by any stretch of the imagination looking forward too. I am really not ready for him to go to school, daycare is bad enough. Now don't get me wrong here, I'm not saying that Davven isn't ready, he's smart, witty, sarcastic, understands concepts easily and really has an amazing vocabulary. Although he can be distracted easily and gets bored quickly if the pace is slow. He is after all MY son and does take after me. What I'm getting at is i'm not sure I'm ready to handle all the things that comes with him going to school. Anyone who knows me knows that my school years don't really bring back great memories for me, and of course I know that I can't let Davven in on my apprehensions about school. I'm just afraid that he's gonna come home from school and tell me how little Johnny told him to fuck off and Little Sally said he was an idiot, then I'm gonna go down there and spank the living piss out of Johnny and Sally and drop kick johnny's mom across the parking lot while Sally's Dad cowers in the corner...But I digress...
We've all seen these kids on TV get bullied and come back and shoot up a school, the kids that did the shooting always get blamed for thier"senseless acts of violence" but I have a different view on that,,,no-one ever says shit about the kids that bullied them so bad that they thought shooting up the school and killing themselves was the only answer...Cause honestly they are just as responsible as the kids that pulled the trigger. I know that Davven may or may not have to deal with bullies, and that I assume we've done a good job that he won't be one(cause that's not acceptable either). And I'll learn and adapt myself as his school years progress, and teach all i can about protecting himself. And most importantly letting him know he can talk to me at anytime about anything. So if he is bullied and he is afraid of something at school, that Nat and I are the first line of defence, and not grieving parents of a kid that just shot up a school or got punched and in the chest and died in a playground.
Thanks for letting me vent

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