Thursday, June 25, 2009

Some time off with Friends

I've been working pretty hard the past few eeks without a real break so Corran and I arranged for me to have a few days off in a row. So I took the opportunity to have a few friends come to our place and do a little towing behind the jetski and have some fun and a BarBQ or two...What was supposed to be a good time with a few friends turned into an AWESOME time with people whom will be our friends for a very long time.
Sometimes you meet people in your life that will just pass through it. Then there are times when you think that a friendship will develop and it doesn't for what ever reason.
But then there are those times when you know that these people fit with your way, and mesh with what you got going on ...Thanks JD, Tami, Olga, Jeremy, and MCA for making the few days I have off during the summer, wicked.

Friday, June 12, 2009

New Issue of Kiteboarding Magazine

The new issue of Kiteboarding Magazine came out 2 weeks ago and I finally got my copy, I'm super stoked with the way the article I wrote came out and the lay out looks great. I'm working on a few other articles so I guess I'll be in a few more issues in the upcoming year, but I'll keep you posted... Who new that I could write???? lol

Monday, June 1, 2009

It's been a While

Sorry it's been so long, but lots has been happening, Class number three went off with out a hitch,  great group of guys in the class(George, JB, Maris).. JB was lucky enough that on his last run on Sunday there was nobody waiting in line for Main wave and we spent about 20 minutes on the wave, which was awesome. Great end to a fun weekend(I get paid to do this, i love my job). The last few weeks have been crazy to say the least. From frieght forwarding nightmares to The Fesival du Plien Air, to recieving 30 SUP's, and the feeding frenzy that followed(we have only a few left). The other news is right sides according to most people has been terrible but I think it's be awesome , my 6.0 fish and the fat fish have been dominating that wave, every time someone tries either board it been eye opening for them. Most people are practically standing on the nose of thier boards just trying to hang on , but as soon as they jump on the fatty or the 6.0 they have a little fun. I've had so much fun on right sides at this level. It's been great. The other thing that's been going on is I've been humbled big time, trying to learn how to paddle in on my 9' SUP. I was out there yesterday and was eating sh*t all over the place, as Corran paddled in making it look easy on a SUP with no less than half as much stability as mine...ImageBut it was still so much fun, and it also gave me a reminder on how some of our students must feel at first. I'm pretty sure that I make my students feel comfortable at beeing begginners, but it's nice to be humbled from time to time keep me honest.