Photography and Film Making are two things that give my life some much needed structure, I love shooting all sorts of things and really enjoy not being confined to one type of subject...Although I don't do weddings..lol
Monday, September 14, 2009
September Sessions
So the crew has been busy, the last few classes are booking, the swells on the east coast have been firing, and the wind has been picking up, so the Imagine Kite Crew which consists of myself and Steve have been busting out to ride and learn new tricks. I'm working on a few 2010 protos that should be on the water in a week or two, so stay tuned for the spy photos. Nat(my wife) ran the Montreal Marathon in 3:59 on Sunday and I couldn't be more proud. My Mom and Dad, the boy and I spent the day on Sunday moving from spot to spot so we could cheer her on. I think we ran about a half-marathon ourselves, but it was so worth it to be there supporting her...Way to go Babe...
Monday, August 24, 2009
Oh Crap...it's Been That Long
So. it's been a long busy freaky weather, crazy busy summer...I haven't had time to go on a date with my wife never mind post on my blog...shheesh...Well here's my first post in a a very long time but I wanted to post a few pics maybe a few vids of the summers adventures in River Surf Classes...Here are a few names that stick out in my mind from the summers classes...
Najah, Eric Martin, Simon Cardinal, Catherine Simard..these were some earlybird class taker in May and Early June, people who didn't mind the cold...Mylene Dion, Stefano, Dominic...The Entire Amazing Godin Family(Olivier, Simon, Pierre, Julie) and who can forget Stephanie Bruneau, Mellisa Horvat, Mellisa Rattue, Caroline Samson(Miss Confident), Tim and Gordon from freaking far away Ontario, Karen Ho(my Private Lesson student that almost watched me drown...lol), Donovan(hope you stay at it), Ralph and Sarah. The Adelson Shopping Sisters, Venessa, Frederick, JF, Rod and Mike Waterstone(who never stopped trying)...I'm know there are more of you out there, but these are the names I could remember..there is however, two more names I wanted to mention. One that i want to mention because of the awesome smile on her face and amazing peronallity and joy that she brought to my life as a surf instructor...Samuelle Bergeron(see video) her wonderful and supportive parents(Marie-Claude and Hugo) signed her up for class making sure that I was the instructor and I had just as much fun teaching her as she had taking the course..It's great to see great parenting in this day and age, and it was awesome having such a fun young lady in my class that was always and I do mean ALWAYS smiling...The second name I want to single out touched me in a profound way, not because he is recovering from lukemia, not because he has only 20% lung capacity, not because he of all the people I taught had an actual excuse to say that river surfing was hard and give up...He touch me cause he F*&^ing tried harder than anyone I've ever taught, to catch the wave and surf and he did. Not only the first day but the second also... Jeff Clifford you absolutely made my summer. And I want to thank you for taking my class, the hardcore tattooed extreme sport guy that I think I am, was blown away by your determination, and humbled by the experience. I didn't know any of the details of why you were having trouble swimming back, or why you were breathing so hard, all I knew was that I was impressed by your lack of whining, I thought to myself " Here's a guy that's out of shape, huffing and puffing, but is not complaining or bitching about how hard it is, he's just going run after run, and giving it 100%. " After your Dad told me the details, the only opnion that I change was the one for myself...I'm so not hardcore compared to you, Rock on Jeff, the first pic is for you....

Thursday, June 25, 2009
Some time off with Friends
I've been working pretty hard the past few eeks without a real break so Corran and I arranged for me to have a few days off in a row. So I took the opportunity to have a few friends come to our place and do a little towing behind the jetski and have some fun and a BarBQ or two...What was supposed to be a good time with a few friends turned into an AWESOME time with people whom will be our friends for a very long time.
Sometimes you meet people in your life that will just pass through it. Then there are times when you think that a friendship will develop and it doesn't for what ever reason.
But then there are those times when you know that these people fit with your way, and mesh with what you got going on ...Thanks JD, Tami, Olga, Jeremy, and MCA for making the few days I have off during the summer, wicked.
Friday, June 12, 2009
New Issue of Kiteboarding Magazine

The new issue of Kiteboarding Magazine came out 2 weeks ago and I finally got my copy, I'm super stoked with the way the article I wrote came out and the lay out looks great. I'm working on a few other articles so I guess I'll be in a few more issues in the upcoming year, but I'll keep you posted... Who new that I could write???? lol
Monday, June 1, 2009
It's been a While
Sorry it's been so long, but lots has been happening, Class number three went off with out a hitch, great group of guys in the class(George, JB, Maris).. JB was lucky enough that on his last run on Sunday there was nobody waiting in line for Main wave and we spent about 20 minutes on the wave, which was awesome. Great end to a fun weekend(I get paid to do this, i love my job).
The last few weeks have been crazy to say the least. From frieght forwarding nightmares to The Fesival du Plien Air, to recieving 30 SUP's, and the feeding frenzy that followed(we have only a few left).
The other news is right sides according to most people has been terrible but I think it's be awesome , my 6.0 fish and the fat fish have been dominating that wave, every time someone tries either board it been eye opening for them. Most people are practically standing on the nose of thier boards just trying to hang on , but as soon as they jump on the fatty
or the 6.0 they have a little fun.
I've had so much fun on right sides at this level. It's been great. The other thing that's been going on is I've been humbled big time, trying to learn how to paddle in on my 9' SUP. I was out there yesterday and was eating sh*t all over the place, as Corran paddled in making it look easy on a SUP with no less than half as much stability as mine...
But it was still so much fun, and it also gave me a reminder on how some of our students must feel at first. I'm pretty sure that I make my students feel comfortable at beeing begginners, but it's nice to be humbled from time to time keep me honest.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
First Class of the Season
Well the first class was a cold one, but it went off without a problem...Had a few take the long swim down past the bridge, but all in all it was a fun group. Najah, Samy and Thierry toughed it out on day 2, longer than i thought and even took one more run before retreating to the shop.. It was only 6degrees afterall. No pics this time the cold was affecting the camera and it wouldn't come out to play. On a gross note my toe was acting up all class and giving me annoying pain, it had been hurting since Tuesday last and I thought was simply a small annoyance. But by Monday night going into Tuesday morning, I awoke at 3am to absolute blinding pain, and I decided to take the long drive to the hospital in town. After a small wait of 2 hours, I finally saw the doctor who proceeded to get another doc, who proceeded to tell me that I was about to lose my toe in another 18 hours or so if I hadn't come in..With a precise cut of her scalpel she release the pressure and the trapped PUSS. Yes PUSS was spewing across the room...lol so much the doctor stopped and got a face shield..haha. But all is better now, I'm out of the water till Monday I think...if I can last that long..lol
Till next time,
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
I enjoy life...I surf, river surf, kite and many other things that keep my ADD in check. We all have friends who facilitate our efforts to get our fix. My buddy JD, Corran and my friend Jules are the guys that often push me to take it to the next level...BUT WHEN CORRAN AND JULES ARE TOGETHER...they take push each other to some NEXT LEVEL SHIT....CHECK it OUT
Sunday, May 3, 2009
The wave has been so bad lately that we've been out kiting alot in this spring wind...The past few weeks has been riddled with great S winds. Corran even got out for a lesson from our friend Jules. I took a few shots of my buddy Gaby having a great sesh. The levels for habitat should be better by mid week. But I went for an SUP run at habitat this morning with nobody out at all...I had the wave to myself for over an hour till a few people showed up. They put in a rope and still couldn't stay on the wave, I even tried to get the fom pile going for them on my SUP but it would just turn off as soon as it got going...
Sunday, April 26, 2009
SUP Lesson
Ok, so I took these two great guys out for an private SUP lesson, these guys were hardcore. NO WETSUIT, NO GLOVES, and NO HOODIEs for these guys, only booties, boardshorts and a vest. And they were taking headers into the cold water and loving every minute of it...Mike was up and going in minutes and JD wasn't far behind..The day was great we had a great time and I even took an few dips in the cold water myself, we laughed, played hard and enjoyed a beautiful day on the water...Sign up folks it's too much fun
Friday, April 24, 2009
Went to the wave today at Habitat, right sides was going off, had a great time with the crew that was there, got to see some familiar faces, including Matt and the boys from France. Also had a great chat with Lynn, one of the best female surfers in Montreal...All in all it was a pretty awesome day. With temps hovering around 20degrees the sun shining, and I meant to take pics but it was such a great day I surfed until I was late picking up my boy at daycare...Looks like the weekend is going to alot of the same, so get out there and enjoy.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
I had a busy day at the shop today, tracking shippments and supplies for Corran, but mostly today I answered the phone. And all everyone could talk about was SUP's, questions on SUP's kept coming and coming and kept me nice and busy doing what I love...which is chatting to people about surfing. I must have answered the phone 50 times today. All in all it was a great day. Lots of interest in classes...SO once again if you want to take a class sign up now...
Monday, April 20, 2009
Right Sides
Yesterday, I went to Right Sides in the morning before working at the shop. There were a few people out, Igor, Carlos, and others the vibe was great. I had a great hour and half session, quick and to the point, I was riding the new Pocket Rocket 6' by 18 1/4" split board. Trying to get my snap all the way around and having some great wipeouts..(if you not wipeing out you're not learning). The wave itself was a little soft, but still extremely fun, it was great. Hope to see you out there.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
The Shop is Almost Open
Ok everybody...the time is almost here..THE SHOP will be OPEN on Saturday..April 18th @ 9:00am, We've got all our wetsuits(6-5-4's, 4-3's, 2-3's) gloves and mitts, booties, clothes t-shirts bikinis...But most importantly we have a crazy amount of 2009 boards, and a few sample SUP's for you to see, and make an order...We'll also be on hand to answer questions about classes, sign you up for a class, help you choose gear and get you in the water..We've been surfing since february so we know our stuff...Come on down and help support your local surf shop, bring a few friends along.
See you Saturday
Monday, April 13, 2009
Surf Classes
Ok so the whole point of this blog is to update you on whats been happening with surf classes. But since we haven't officially started classes for 2009, I've been letting know what we've been up to, and showing you a few pics along the way.
But today I have some class news...We've been getting more and more calls concerning class dates and class info. And people have started to book classes, so if you've wanted to take a class or have friends that want to take classes please tell them to call us at the shop or on our contact numbers at the website( www.imaginesurfboards.com ). Classes can fill up fast so don't wait till the last minute, trust me...
Saturday, April 11, 2009
SUP Training with Nat..
My wife Nat has been asking me to take her out on our SUP and it was finally a nice enough day weather wise and wind(none). SHe wouldn't let me take pics of her, but I told her that she'll have to suck it up cause next time I'm snapping a few. Especially since she did amazing she paddle almost to the point near our place, which is a good half kilometer downstream. Then I went out for a work out and came back all sweaty and sore but it's starting to pay off..I'm feeling super confident up on my feet now and when I take breaks, I don't have to kneel anymore I can just stand there and not eat it(lol). I think she wants to go out again on monday so I 'll try and snap a few pics and post them...
Have a great Easter
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Snow...F*&King Snow...Come on already enough with this winter crap...
Thats all I have to say today...I'm annoyed...oh but the shop is coming along
And Corran is still working on his secret project...Which is good..He's always in a great mood when he's shaping...lol...
If you need something at the shop we're around just call us or stop by if its not out of the way knock on the door sometimes we're out getting supplies at Rona or in the back working on boards...But we're around...the shop will open soon we promise..
Monday, April 6, 2009
It's Fricken Freezing
On Sunday I went for a two hour paddle on the SUP, I want to catch up to Corran's relentless goings on about his workouts so I thought I'd one up him and paddle clear across the bay in Pincourt to the far side Beauhornois I guess...But half way out I hit the current and was quickly being swept down stream so I turned and paddled towards my side of the riverbut instead of ending back at the dock like the day before I repeated it and made 2 hours of it..BUT BOY DID I PAY FOR THAT THIS MORNING..I paddled for maybe half hour and I got a nice face full of really cold water as I fell in trying to surf a small wave in the current...LOL...
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Shop Mess and SUP Training
Well I've been working like a madman in the shop trying to get things ready, so i snapped a few pics to show you what a disaster the state of the shop is in, and since it's the weekend I went for and hour paddle this morning in the bay near my place...My son has been itching to go fishing of all things so Nat bought him a rod and he was practicing while I was working out...
Friday, April 3, 2009
Shop Update
Sorry no post in a while...I've been working like mad to get the shop ready for opening very soon..I'll put up a proper post soon with photos of what we've been doing at the shop...Corran has been no help, he's working on a few board repairs and a secret board project(shhhh) and he's been training every morning on his 12' SUP Trainer to get in shape, plus surfing at Chambly. I've only been out twice now, so I have to start getting up earlier so I can get an hour workout in before I have to leave...
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Spring with Davven
I was supposed to go surfing yesterday but when you're a Dad life sometimes has a way of letting you know that being a Dad can be better than any wave.
My wife Nathalie had to work on Saturday so my surfing was put on hold and at first I was a little annoyed. But as the day unfolded i realized things can happen for a reason. After breakfast my son and I got dressed and headed outside for some fresh air and some morning sun. The day warmed up and warmed up and we rode our bikes, played on the swing and went for a walk. And honestly we had one of those days that I dreamed about when we found out we were pregnant. I could write novel about how the day made me feel but I won't bore you with the details. Just know being a Dad is a great feeling. Especially when at the end of the day Davven turns to me and said " I love you Daddy". What a day
Friday, March 27, 2009
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